The remote working revolution is in full swing. In the US, 37% of workers are now telecommuting, which gives them flexibility, they could have never dreamed of. Your company may have already considered hiring remote workers and using freelancers to complete projects.
There are a lot of reasons why this can be a good idea, including getting around local talent shortages. But your brand’s online reputation could take a battering if you manage the situation badly. This guide is going to show you how you can become an authority in remote working and how you can become a model for others in your niche.
Don’t Treat Them Like Office Workers
It all starts with changing your mindset. Remote workers became remote workers so they could have more flexibility to work at their own pace. It shouldn’t matter what they do as long as they get the job done before the deadline you set for them.
Yet some bosses still see them as office workers they can shout and scream at whenever they please. Don’t become overbearing by demanding hourly updates or demanding they have to work at a specific time. This is an example of bosses that have yet to understand this revolution in working.
Manage Them Right
It all starts with managing your remote talent in the right way. If you treat them badly, they’re going to talk. The easiest way to mess this up is to shortchange them or to make their lives difficult. If you say one thing and mean another, it won’t take long before your reputation starts to spread.
Good management means regular meetings and confirming that they know what you’re asking of them. It can be harder making sure someone is on the same page if you’re only dealing with them over the phone.
The last thing you want is to come into conflict because you didn’t brief them well enough.
Pay Them Right
Freelancers are notorious for having cycles of feast and famine. Some unscrupulous business owners have seen this as the perfect opportunity to take advantage of it by paying less. This can work in the short-term because they may not have the work and they have bills to pay, but they won’t love you for it.
Remote workers aren’t stupid. They know when they’re being paid less than what they’re worth. Don’t gain a reputation for being a company that doesn’t reward its workers right.
By paying remote workers as much as any office workers, you will get more out of them. They are more likely to go the extra mile, and that can help with growing your startup quickly.
Give them a Contract
Remote workers need to know what they can and can’t do. They may have to sign NDA agreements or agree to an employment contract. You have to be careful about what you put in their contracts so you don’t antagonize them in the wrong way.
Some companies have taken a huge hit to their online reputations because their employers kept calling them into the office in person. Naturally, there was little they could do about this as they never signed any contract. Both parties should know what’s expected of them, and this should be spelled out in writing.
Show the Respect They Deserve
Some bosses have this strange idea that remote workers aren’t worth as much as a person sitting in the office working at their desks. This could be despite the fact they are doing exactly the same job. Working remotely makes sense for a lot of people, but they deserve the same respect as anyone else working in the company.
With the remote working revolution being such a big part of the US economy right now, this is something you’re going to have to get used to.
What Happens If You Mess Up?
The future of remote work is a bright one, but it can be a hazardous one. If you’ve made a mistake, you need to act to cull the problem quickly before your reputation begins to spread. People tend to take the side of the suffering employee, rather than the large company.
First of all, move to apologize to the remote worker if you’ve treated them badly or messed up in some way. Never try to shift the blame unnecessarily. Work to change your practices to ensure the same thing never happens again.
With all this in mind, remote workers can be a huge boon to your company. Do you have any experiences with managing remote workers?