Why Doctors don’t need to make their patients sign gag orders

In case you haven’t heard a large number of physicians are now requiring their patients to sign a gag order telling them that they will be liable and prosecuted in a court of law if they talk negatively online about their experience.

As you can imagine as a patient knowing that Doctor A makes you sign a Gag order while Doctor B does not it’s going to be a no brainer which healthcare physician you are going to see. By simple logic you automatically assume if your Dr. is making you sign a waiver before you even see him or her than that is a bad sign in itself.

So what is the solution that these surgeons, dentists, and other medical professionals have that is not too costly? They engage in a proper reputation management campaign with Profile Defenders to defend against negative reviews, bad publicity, and they never have to be known as the doctor who enforces gag orders because truth be told you can not control what others are going to write about you online and there is no hard proof as to who wrote what.

We also discussed this issue here: (Gag orders by doctors).

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