Pet Lab is a Bad Dog – Learn From Their Online Mistakes

They say you can’t teach a dog old tricks because some companies stuck in their ways may never change but Pet Lab is in the dog house this week for stealing a stock image of a dog that they took credit as their own.

The cover up is that they won’t even take responsibility for their bad actions and would rather place blame on a marketing agency that they hired to create and run social media ads that sell’s products.

So what happened and where did CEO, Damian Grabarcyk go wrong? Pet Photo identity theft. Millie’s photo was stolen and then Pet Lab falsified a story about how the joint chews helped her. So this is false advertising and fraud when the product wasn’t even used by the dog in the photo.

The Golden Retriever named Millie in the ads was not a user of Petlab’s joint chews and thus learn from Pet Lab’s mistakes pirating famous dog photos online and taking them on as their own.


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