Net Reputation vs. Profile Defenders Reputation Repair Service

There are only a few dominant players in the online reputation management space. Profile Defenders has been a leading figure since 2011 helping individuals, businesses, and even ministry of foreign affairs to help promote their tourism and travel deals through the Profile Defenders team. Net Reputation is a Sarasota, Florida based company who has been in business a few years and run by a gentleman named Adam Petrelli.

Net Reputation recently opened up a sales office in Kansas City, Missouri offering to expand on their ORM service offerings. A few years ago they were ranked number 208 in the Inc 5000 for reputation management companies according to a Yahoo news release.

Net Reputation Vs. Profile Defenders

The main difference between the two companies is that Profile Defenders fixes negative Google autocomplete results and does not provide any cookie cutter solutions. All campaigns are fully customized to fit the clients needs and has kept the brand from growing too big in order to ensure solutions are handled at a concierge level.

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