Invest in professional assistance when needed. Knowing that you don’t know all the answers or can’t handle a problem is the best way to begin solving an issue before it gets out of control. Measuring and monitoring your online search results its important and so is ensuring that they are clean from any major negatives.
The most useful tool out there for online reputation management might also be the easiest to set up. Google Alerts is something that many companies and individuals in the spotlight use to keep up any news or articles that pop up mentioning them. All a company has to do is type in a term, and they will receive notifications whenever that term pops up. All these alerts push to an email, and the frequency of alerts is adjustable as well.
As great as Google Alerts is, it does not cover social media at this point. There are some tools out there that do that, with the best overall being Brand24 right now. It will come through all the major social media platforms for any mentions whatsoever. This comes in handy as not every person will use proper hashtags or know how to mention a company in a comment directly.
Investing in a professional reputation management company can help you remove and delete unwanted search results. It’s a tough world with everybody being a top critic these days but with a good outlined strategy you can break through the noise and bury the negatives and replace them with enough positive search results to keep you looking positive and improving your brand.