Tired of those embrassing and negative google search engine results and you want to know how you “can fix your google results?” Everyday the team members here at Profile Defenders receive phone calls from interested parties who ask us “How Can I fix my Bad Google Results”? The answer we give is always dependent upon what is currently out there when you or your business name is searched. Unfortunately there is no snap of the fingers or waving of a magic wand to fix your search engine results.
[h2]What We Can Do To Help You?[/h2]
The first is to take a diagnostic of the situation at hand. Similar to how a doctor checks your blood pressure and body temperature we look at the current search results, what current positive websites you have listed, the strength of the current negative results (we like to see if they are coming from popular news websites, blogs, forums, or complaint websites) and what positive and or neutral results you currently have out there about you.
Depending on what the current results yield will help us to determine and customize a game plan for you to solve your online reputation issues. A typical job will have us creating 20-40 new websites for you with content that is relevant (Google looks for relevant websites to improve user experience) as well as creating properly tiered social media profiles, directory listings, social bookmarks, and other proprietary methods to solve your unwanted results. Some websites and webpages we will be able to get taken down permanantly and others involve us replacing it with positive results. Trying to sue or hire a lawyer will cost you too much money, will not be successful, and we have packages designed where we include the proper legal letters to be sent to the website or hosting company that has the content you want removed. Whether its autocomplete, related searches, or the combination you can count on us to solve those issues for you.
[h3]100% Guarantee To Remove Unwanted Results/h3]
We strive to satisfy all of our clients with a boutique style feeling. Instead of running ads on television and the radio and creating a cookie cutter style approach that will not satisfy or solve your reputation management needs would do us no justice. We will give you an honest and up front assessment to solve your issue. Some jobs are solved in as little as 1 week and other jobs can take up to 9 months to complete. If you are continuously attacked as a growing and profitable business then you may need a maintenance plan to ensure that once the negative results are gone off of the first 1-3 pages of search results that you can rest assured that they will not be returning with each and every algorithm change.