How to Repair Your Online Reputation?

The online reputation industry has become big business. The Harvard Business School said a single star on Yelp can increase revenues by 9%. This is because the Internet is akin to the Wild West. Customer complaints could previously be swept under the carpet. And if someone got really mad companies...

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How to Protect Your Online Reputation on Social Media?

Social media is the number one way of marketing your brand. But it’s also a potential minefield for your reputation. Statistics revealed that 80% of HR professionals search for names of potential hires and other companies online.  Many companies have humiliated themselves in the realm of social media. It requires...

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How You Can Protect Your Online Reputation

Research has demonstrated that 90% of customers are influenced by online reviews. This makes reviews a more effective marketing tactic than anything under the control of a brand. It should demonstrate to you that your online reputation is everything. If you lose that reputation, you lose your business. The online...

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