7 Reasons Why Your Infographic Didn’t Work Out

Infographics are an essential tool for any marketer using the power of visual content. 46% of marketers say visual content is crucial for telling stories in their marketing campaigns. But long gone are the days where an infographic would make you into an overnight success story. These days you have to pay a lot of care and attention if you want to avoid it hurting your brand’s reputation.

Getting the right infographic will generate more sales, regardless of the industry, you’re in. And this guide is going to show you some of the main mistakes you’ve been making.

You Didn’t Have the Content for the Graphic

Your article should always be written around the graphic because this is what grabs the attention of people. You need the facts to back everything up, but this is essentially a list arranged into something people find attractive. Most entrepreneurs make the mistake of trying to come up with a graphic after they’ve come up with the content. Adopt the big corporate practice of starting out with the graphic.

You Don’t Have an Interesting Design

Some subjects are not that exciting. For example, if you are writing about selling a structured settlement for cash you need to jazz things up. You need to get people interested in a subject they may not normally be interested in. It’s all in the design.

There are no hard and fast rules for the design you should come up with. What you should do is invest in a designer who has direct experience with creating infographics. Mistakes tend to happen when companies cheap out and try to handle everything themselves.

Where was the Marketing?

When infographics came onto the scene you didn’t need to do that much promotion. They were shiny and new so people actively sought them out. That’s not the case any longer because they have become part of the status quo. They remain effective, but you need to work at promoting them.

If you want to create the perfect profile, you need to build the rest of your content marketing campaign around them. Without promotion, they’ll fade into the abyss.

You Bought Links to Promote It

Buying links to promote your content is always a major sin. The same thing goes for infographics. All your content should be built up organically. There are no short cuts for this. Google will stamp down upon you if you try to use this archaic tactic.

You Didn’t Use Influencer Marketing

One of the easiest ways to get your infographic into the public eye is to take advantage of influencer marketing. It’s as simple as sending your content to those who matter in your niche. Seek out the main industry figures in your niche and send your content to them. A good infographic can be used in their content, and they can link back to your website in return.

You’ll reach a whole new audience with this type of marketing. Typically, this takes a long time to make it work, but once you find your audience you’re going to reap the rewards.

Beware the fact most influencers have preferences, such as the type of infographic, the color of your content, and the facts you use.

You Didn’t Run a Paid Ad Campaign

Like it or not, most marketing platforms online are all about paying to play. Facebook is by far the key platform you have to master if you’re going to attract the right people. Make sure you go out of your way to master the Facebook Power Editor through testing images and refining your target audience.

If you want your company to be one of the best places to work, you need to get visibility. The way to do this is through the trial and error process of paid advertising.

It Didn’t Accomplish Anything

Sometimes a graphic fails because the subject it covers is too broad or boring for the majority. To counter this, research your target audience before you start making your infographic. The way the brain sees an infographic is what makes it so effective, but the content within still matters.

It’s best to drill down into various sub-niches here. You may be reducing your overall audience, but you’ll get way more engagement.

Last Word

Infographics take trial and error to get right. Look at what your competitors are doing and see if you can spot what they’re doing right and wrong. This will help to inspire you to make successful infographics of your own.

What do you think makes a good infographic?


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